Thursday, January 21, 2016

An Expiration on Beauty? When in Doubt, Toss it Out

This morning i'd like to take some time and blog about the shelf life of your cosmetics and when you are to toss (and then replenish!) your must-haves. 

You may be able to stretch that tube of mascara for a long time. You probably think you are being money conscious, thrifty, and savvy. Saving a few bucks here and there is a wise move, sure --- but not in this case! When you keep your makeup around for longer than you should, you risk all sorts of bacteria growth and this can lead to eye infections and skin irritations that can cause you to break out. Ick. No thanks! So, in case you were unfamiliar about when you should replace your tube of mascara, its every 3 months. Whether you've exhausted the makeup inside or not, it's time to toss it and purchase a new one. Plenty of great sales on fabulous mascaras at

My mascara favs: Big & False Lash and Wash-Off Waterproof. Have you tried these?

Not only do you risk eye infections and acne blunders when you use the same makeup for too long, over time it will also loose its quality and this can result in undesirable looks. Think about the last time you did a makeup toss. If you can't remember when, it's time to go through the makeup bag. As you can see, its sound advice that if you are not sure how old a certain makeup product is, that you should throw it away. 

You should also be washing your makeup brushes at least twice a month to keep them clean and from transferring bacteria to your skin. I use Baby Shampoo to clean mine, it works great!


To help you remember when its time to toss your cosmetics, slap a label on the product of when you opened it and used it for the first time. 

Please comment below and share this post to your social media sites if you found this helpful. Enjoy your weekend, beauts!

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